Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Liebster Blog Award

So what is the Liebster Blog Award? Firstly Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome. It is a sort of tag post passed amongst the blogging community with less than 3000 followers to help introduce them and help increase their followers!
Here are the rules to the Liebster Blog Award
  • You must link the person who nominated you.
  • You must answer all 11 questions set by the person who nominated you.
  • You must nominate 11 of your favourite blogs and give them 11 questions to answer.
  • You cannot nominate the person who nominated you.
  • And don't forget to let the people you have nominated know by leaving them a message :)
So i've been nominated to do the Liebster Blog Award by RicAnne which is great because it's a good way of introducing myself etc. Yet i have been nominated before other bloggers, however i will be answering Rica's questions for this post :)

So here are the asked questions:
1. How did you get into blogging and why did you pick your name?
2. What can you not live without?
3. Describe the craziest dream you had recently.
4. If you can be anything or anyone you want to be, who or what would you be?
5. Who do you hope to collab with in the future? (bloggers/brands/companies)
6. What do you think will be the 'next big thing'?
7. Numbers or letters?
8. If you could learn any language in the world, what would it be?
9. What is your guilty pleasure?
10. If you could be part of the Guinness Book of World Records, what would be your ground wrecking world record?
11. What do you hope to achieve/try out this year?

1. How did you get into blogging and why did you pick your name?Two years ago, i finally took a grip on what my dream career was and this was to be a fashion designer,  the blog may be more of fashion styling but discovering and recording trends is one of the things a designer has to go through. I attempted many ways to express this but trying on dresses in stores and taking mirror selfies of them was not the right way to do it, therefore using inspiration from naomineo i decided to start all over and do it right. Therefore this blog started with a different name but after some time i came up with Elleaspire - Ellea is a shorter, catchy version of my name and soon to be 'stage' name if ever i had to disguise my own personal name. With that i combined it with inspire/aspire because it will be the type of blog i aim to show my aspirations and inspire others with this dream i keep hold of.

2. What can you not live without?
I cannot live without:
My Family - They have loved me through out my whole life, without them i don't know what i'd do.
My Friends - They support me through whatever, they never fail to make my day and be there for me.
My Faith in God - Having faith in general is such a great contribution in life, its something within you that'll help you keep going through life.
My laptop & phone - Oh technology, how you contribute in my life in the greatest ways haha.  Do i even need to explain why i can't live without it? - TV Series, Music, social networks...

3. Describe the craziest dream you had recently.I kissed Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley) From the vampire diaries, in the most romantic way. I love love love him <3

4. If you can be anything or anyone you want to be, who or what would you be?
If only there was a less hectic life of being a singer, actor, fashion designer and model at the same time i would so be all of them together at one. They all fit me as a person but we can't have it all... or can i? If there was a chance, i don't even think i'll be able to have time for myself and that i don't want.

5. Who do you hope to collab with in the future? (bloggers/brands/companies)
I'd like to collab with a lot of people but when it comes to blogging and fashion i'd like to collaborate with naomineo, she inspired me a lot with blogging and yeah some of my other bloggers that i know of in person (Hey to my blogger friends!) and perhaps if i was able to collab with a brand or company, i'd love any clothing stores or even make up brands to be supportive of my blogging!

6. What do you think will be the 'next big thing'?
The next big thing for me? Perhaps finally showing of my singing talent on youtube and making youtube lookbooks and such. Having a video of everything makes it very visual and more entertaining!

7. Numbers or letters?
I hate maths so letters! I mean i have a blog, typing letters is the way to go!

8. If you could learn any language in the world, what would it be?
I have learnt French at the basics for GCSE but i'd love to learn it fluently ~ It's such a beautiful language, i've fallen in love with it's words and the accent.

9. What is your guilty pleasure?
I actually love this baby powder food called Cerelac but it's honestly such a nice porridge that i only eat as a snack but i rarely eat it now.

10. If you could be part of the Guinness Book of World Records, what would be your ground wrecking world record?
I can do this humming and sort of noise i do with my tongue at the same time, in the tune of 'Drop it like it's hot' - Proud of it :)

11. What do you hope to achieve/try out this year?I hope i can manage to go to the F.A.D finals and finish designing a few dresses for future references, I also hope for the best out of my A-levels this year!! 

Thank you Rica for nominating me! Go check her blog out if you haven't :

I nominate these fellow bloggers: seldommoda | ileanagiselleinsideadreamm | thelittleindie | clsalcedo | lizchewy | melmaocircleofchaos | parolerobina | funsizebeauty | daisydelcherie | 

1. What's your inspiration in life? 
2.What made you start blogging and what do you hope blogging will help you with?
3. List 5 things that you love and hate
4. If you could be anything or anyone, who or what would you be?
5.What is your favourite quote?
6. If you had the chance to say one line to the world, what would it be?
7. What are your talents?
8. List 10 things from your wishlist
9. What country do you wish to travel to and why?
10.What is your biggest achievement and what would you like to achieve in the future?
11. What do you think is the secret ingredient (the most important aspect) to being a blogger ?

1 comment:

  1. Ate! I forgot to tell you. I tagged you to do this tag. Link is here:
    Sorry if its really late.

    Rica Anne | RicAnne
